uk visa enquiry

Financial Requirement for UK partner Visa

When you apply for a UK visa as a spouse or partner there are several requirements to be met. One of those crucial requirements is the financial requirement. Financial requirement has to be met by the sponsor or applicant for the purpose of Fiancé, Spouse, Unmarried Partner or Civil Partner visas. Minimum income rule So, the minimum income as per Home Office is like this:

  • Partner only with no children – £18,600
  • Partner and 1 child – £22,400
  • Partner and 2 children – £24,800
  • Pa

By - 4 years ago

How to Gain British Citizenship by Marriage

Marriage to a British citizen isn’t an automatic guarantee that you’ll be given British Citizenship. This is obtained through the application process of naturalisation which requires the non-UK spouse to meet certain eligibility criteria under nationality rules. From there you must make a citizenship application to the Home Office. !--more--

Eligibility for British Citizenship by marriage

To be eligible for British Citizenship through naturalisation, you must satisfy this criteria:

  • B

By - 4 years ago

Derivative Residence and EU Settled Status

Derivative residence card allows one an indirect right of residence. In this scheme, your residence in the UK depends upon the existing right of another person in the UK. You are eligible for a derivative residence card if you are living in the UK and you happen to be one of the following:

  • The primary carer of someone who has the right to reside in the UK
  • The primary carer’s child
  • The child of an EEA national who has stopped working in the UK or left the UK, and you are in pursuing yo

By - 4 years ago

UK Visa Expiry Rules

If you are still in the country when your UK visa expires, you are classed as an ‘overstayer’. You will have 30 days from the date your visa expired to leave the country. You will be able to stay in the UK if you have applied for a new visa before the expiry date of your old visa. !--more-- You may also be deemed as an overstayer if either of the following apply:

  • Your visa has been gained using fraudulent means, such as if you used fraudulent documents
  • Not mentioning something on your ap

By - 4 years ago

Unmarried Partner Visa - Two Years Relationship Requirement

One who is looking to enter or remain in the UK as an unmarried partner of a person present and settled in the UK, need to apply for an unmarried partner visa. Unmarried partner visa is also known as the UK defacto visa. Heterosexual and homosexual, both can apply for unmarried partner visa provided they can prove that they are in a relationship for two years or more and their relationship is subsisting. Partner in the UK needs to sponsor the applicant. Eligibility You must meet the follow...

By - 4 years ago

Returning Residents

Once any person is granted indefinite leave to remain or enter they can stay in the UK for an indefinite time without any restrictions. However, you cannot spend more than 2 consecutive years outside of the UK. And if you are outside the UK for more than 2 consecutive years, you automatically lose your indefinite leave status. Should this happen you will need to apply for entry clearance as a Returning Resident from outside the UK in accordance with paragraph 18 of the Immigration Rules. R...

By - 4 years ago

Registration as a British Citizen for Child Aged 10-year

Section 1 (4) of the British Nationality Act 1981 grants a child who was born in the UK and has lived first 10 years of their life in the UK. To be registered as a British Citizen. This is applicable regardless of the parent’s status in the UK. The applicant child should not have travelled outside the UK for more than 90 days in any of the given 10 years. The child will need to prove that they have been present in the UK for the first 10 years of their life in order to be eligible to make ...

By - 4 years ago

What Happens After a Successful Immigration Appeal?

The UK government may decline your immigration application for various reasons. However, this isn’t the end of the process. Most times, you may appeal the ruling, giving you the chance to claim successful immigration to the UK. In this article, we break down the immigration appeals process and what happens after a successful appeal. !--more--

What is the Appeal Process?

The UK immigration appeal process is heard by a single judge or more in various locations across the UK. Juries aren’t re


By - 4 years ago

Naturalisation Reconsideration Request

There are different ways to acquire British citizenship and Naturalisation is one of those. Who can apply for Naturalisation? Well, foreign nationals who hold ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) can apply for Naturalisation if they meet the relevant requirements under the British Nationality Act 1981. !--more--

Refusal of Naturalisation Application

There are various reasons why your application for Naturalisation can be refused. Generally, the reasons can be overstaying in last 10 years or a c...

By - 5 years ago

Domestic Violence and Indefinite Leave to Remain

If you are married or in an unmarried partnership with a British Citizen and were granted Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the United Kingdom you can be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the United Kingdom if you are suffering domestic violence. !--more-- The applications work on a very careful consideration basis as the applicant needs to prove that they have suffered domestic violence. The applicant is required to provide witness statements with the application. ...

By - 5 years ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.