Overseas workers who wish to come to the UK for work need to get a certificate of sponsorship from their UK employer. A UK employer first needs to get a sponsor license to issue a certificate of sponsorship. Overseas worker means workers from outside the UK including citizens of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland coming to the UK after 31 December 2020.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
Article 3(1) of the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states “In all actions concerning the child, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institution, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration…” The UK also lifted its reservation to follow the UN Convention on the best interest of children a decade ago which means that the UK also has immigration rules and treaties wit...
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
The UK allows refugees to seek asylum in the country that enables them to stay in the UK. To seek asylum in the UK, you must leave your country and also be unable to go back because you fear a possible persecution.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
No one wants to live away from their life partner or would be a life partner. The UK's immigration law allows such foreign individuals to join their spouse and partners who happen to be British citizen or have settled status in the UK. If an applicant applies for a UK spouse visa, civil partner visa, fiancé visa or unmarried partner visa he/she needs to meet certain eligibility and suitability requirements. One of the key eligibility requirements is that your relationship with your spouse or par...
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
UK visitor visa is a short-term visa that allows applicants to come to the UK for a period of up to 6 months for various purposes such as visiting your family, holiday, medical treatment, doing a short course of study, for certain business activities etc. However, there are various reasons why your visa application may be refused.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
Appendix FM mentions the immigration rules since 9 July 2012 that when a non-British wish to join their family member in the UK. It states that an applicant is required to meet the financial requirement who is looking to apply to enter, remain in the UK based on family life as a partner or a dependent child of an individual who is a British citizen or has settled status in the UK or is in the UK with refugee leave or on the humanitarian protection ground. However, there are exceptional circumsta...
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
A skilled worker route is a way for UK employers to recruit foreign workers in specific job roles by offering them a job and certificate of sponsorship. The skilled worker route has replaced the Tier 2 (General) work visa and it allows talented workers to migrate to the UK in a job role that matches their skill set. An applicant needs to receive a job offer by a Home Office approved sponsoring organization in the UK.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
Tier 2 (General) visa has been replaced by a Skilled Worker Visa. This has been done with the purpose to bring more skilled workers to the UK labour force. However, for a UK organization, it is still required to get a valid sponsor license to hire overseas workers. Getting a sponsor license requires the applicant company to meet the required conditions and then apply for it correctly.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
On March 4 new changes to the UK's immigration rules came into the light. In this article, we have tried to bring some of the important changes for you.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago
Domestic violence or Domestic Abuse is an unfortunate reality not just in the UK but across the world. The UK has The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 in place that deals with providing criminal justice and legal protection to victims of domestic violence in particular. Domestic violence is also called domestic abuse. Domestic violence can happen against anyone irrespective of their age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexuality, or background.
By visaandmigration.com - 3 years ago