uk visa enquiry

Guide to UK Immigration for Doctors

UK needs and allows people from various professions to come to the UK workforce. Doctors are also welcome in the UK. However, migrating doctors to the UK from outside the UK and EEA needs to know the law and process of it. Immigration laws in the UK are complex and multi-layered. So, it is always good to have the basic knowledge of it.  Basic Guidance for doctors looking to come to work in the UK  Medical professionals and citizens of EU/EEA nations If you are a doctor and an EEA natio...

By - 4 years ago

Administrative review of UK visa refusal

Visa refusal is sad but unfortunately true. Hundreds of visa applications are rejected in the UK every year for various reasons. Applicants should avoid the common reasons for refusal in the first place. Common reasons include wrong filling of the visa form, not following the format appropriately, not submitting required documents, hiding information and so on. If you have taken care of these common issues on your own or through expert’s services you have minimized the chances of visa refusal. H...

By - 4 years ago

EEA Family Permit After Brexit

Currently, the Brexit date is set for 31st January 2020. Brexit is when the UK leaves the EU with or without a deal. If a deal happens it has to pass through Parliament but if no deal is passed the default position in that situation is that the UK would leave the EU without a deal. With the recent victory of Boris Johnson, it is quite likely that a deal will be passed. However, whether a deal is passed or not passed what happens to an EEA national living in the UK and what happens to their famil...

By - 4 years ago

The NHS Visa

The UK allows people from other countries to migrate to the UK through various visa systems. In this series, they have recently announced that they will introduce the new NHS visa in the future which will allow medical staff to come to work in the UK. It is being said that the new NHS visa is an attempt to bring in more medical staff such as nurses and doctors from all over the world to fill in the gap of workforce present in the healthcare system in the UK – The NHS. Purpose of the new NH...

By - 4 years ago

Indefinite leave to remain as a Spouse

After having spent 5 years in the UK you can apply to live permanently. You can apply for ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) in the UK as a spouse of a British Citizen or one who is settled in the UK or one who has refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK,once you have lived in the UK for 5 years continuously with leave to enter or remain as a partner. If you have stayed in the UK as a fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner, you cannot count this while calculating your 5 years stay i...

By - 4 years ago

UK Immigration Appeal

Many applicants apply for a UK visa every year in different visa categories. But this is an unfortunate truth that many of such applicant’s visa applications get rejected for one or the other reason. This means that the Home Office decision does not go your way always. Sometimes the reason for rejection is genuine and sometimes it is because you made some small mistakes such as not filling up the form correctly and in the format required. It is highly recommended that you seek expert advice befo...

By - 4 years ago

Sponsorship Licence Revoked - What you need to do?

All Non-EEA nationals looking to come to the UK to study or work must be sponsored by an organization in the UK. The sponsoring organization needs to obtain a sponsorship license from the UKVI (Home Office). Once they obtain a sponsorship license, they can offer a certificate of sponsorship to the individuals who come to join them for study or work. Organizations having obtained sponsor licenses must comply with the rules otherwise their license may be revoked. It is better to meet compliance be...

By - 4 years ago

Indefinite leave to remain for HM Forces Employees

HM Forces stand for Her Majesty’s Forces and also known as British Armed forces. HM forces consist of the Royal Navy, the British Army, and the Royal Air Force. They are responsible for the defense of the UK, its overseas territories and the Crown dependencies and they include standing forces, regular reserves, volunteer reserves, and sponsored reserves. UK Armed forces exempt from immigration control Serving members of HM armed forces are free from restrictions arising by the UK immigrati...

By - 4 years ago

Compliance for Sponsorship Licence

Any UK based organization that wants to employ a non-EU or EEA individual in their organization in the UK on Tier 2 or 5 Visa must first apply for a sponsor licence. After the grant of sponsorship licence, the organisation can assign their new employees, with a certificate of sponsorship which is essential for the employees to make an application to the Home Office in order to enter or remain in the UK. An organization applying for sponsor license must provide correct documentation and inf...

By - 4 years ago

Sole Representative Visa

There are two types of applicants who can apply under this category- An applicant must either be: an overseas media employee who:

  • is employed by an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation;
  • is being posted by their employer on a long-term assignment for them in the UK
  • applying to be the sole representative in the UK of an overseas employer who intends to establish a commercial presence by operating a registered branch or wholly-owned subsidiar

By - 4 years ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.