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UK Visa

Administrative Review

Do you need to apply for a Administrative Review?

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UK Visa Administrative Review Application, Eligibility, Fees & Processing Time

If your UK visa is refused by the Home Office, then a UK visa administrative review is a way to challenge the decision made by the Home Office. At Visa and Migration, our experts help you with the Administrative review application without any hassle. We carefully review your case and advice regarding your eligibility and merit for administrative review. On this page you will learn about administrative review, how it is different from appeal, fees for application, processing time, etc. You can contact Visa and Migration for a consultation regarding administrative review now.

What is an Administrative Review?

If you have been refused a UK visa, an Administrative Review is a way to challenge the decision of the Home Office. You application will be reviewed by a Home Office official. However, it is important to note that you cannot submit any new evidence in order to challenge the decision or fulfill the shortcomings at the time of the application. You must be to argue any caseworker errors when submitting an administrative review. The application must be submitted in time, that means the application for the administrative review must be submitted within the time limit stated below.

An Administrative Review differs from appealing a visa decision when someone has a Right of Appeal against a decision. While an appeal is considered by the court, an Administrative Review is considered by the Home Office caseworker, it is generally the caseworker who did not make the decision on the application. An Administrative Review allows you to challenge errors or mistakes made by the Home Office, rather than to challenge the reasoning behind a refusal. Furthermore, there is no Right of Appeal for many visa categories - such as the UK entrepreneur visa, skilled worker, domestic abuse, etc,- which means that an Administrative Review is your only option in these types of cases.

Who can apply for Administrative Review?

An applicant who has been refused an application for entry clearance, leave to remain or leave to enter has been revoked or cancelled at the border can apply for an administrative review in order to challenge the refusal of the decision.

The decision can be challenged on the basis that there was a case working error made by the decision maker, however, the applicant needs to make sure that they submit the decision within a relevant time period.

The decision which can be challenged by the administrative review are decisions under the Point Based System applicants and dependents such as:

  • Skilled worker;
  • Scale Up worker;
  • Representative of an overseas business or media organization;
  • Overseas domestic worker;
  • Tier 1 (Entrepreneur/Investor) applications;
  • Religious, seasonal worker;
  • high potential individual;
  • Charity, Religious worker;
  •  creative worker visa
  • Youth Mobility Scheme;
  • Start Up Visa;
  • UK Ancestry Visa;
  • Hong Kong BN(O); or
  • Global Business Mobility - Senior or Specialist Worker; Graduate Trainee; UK Expansion Worker; Secondment Worker; Service Supplier; or
  • Indefinite Leave to Remain under any of the above routes

An applicant can also challenge a decision via administrative review, even though their application may have been approved, if you believe that the period leave you have been granted or any conditions which may have been imposed.

Applicants who apply for entry clearance or leave to remain under Appendix FM, Appendix Private Life, Appendix Long Residence, Asylum, Appendix EU, if refused by the Home Office may be given right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal.

The applicants should note that they cannot challenge the decision under the visitor visa category via an administrative review or an appeal. The only way to challenge visitor visa category decisions is via Judicial Review.

What is the Difference Between Administrative Review and Right of Appeal?

The main difference between the administrative review and an immigration appeal is that an administrative review is a process which is considered by a Home Office immigration officer, however, this is an officer who did not decide your application initially.

After the refusal of an administrative review, you can only challenge the decision further via a Judicial Review.

Whereas a decision which is challenged by an appeal is looked at by a First-tier Tribunal (FtT) Judge initially and if you appeal is dismissed at the FtT you can challenge it further at the Upper Tier Tribunal.

When an administrative review is decided and it is concluded that there was a case working error then the application is sent for reconsideration to the case working team, whereas in an appeal the things are looked by an immigration judge.

How to Apply for Administrative Review for a UK Visa refusal

In order to apply for an administrative review, you first must look into the relevant time period available to submit an administrative review. There are three different time periods –

  • If your application was submitted outside the UK – you have 28 days to submit an administrative review;
  • If your application was made within the UK – You have 14 days to submit an administrative review; or
  • If your leave to enter has been canceled and you are detained or your passport is retained – you have 7 days to apply for the administrative review

In order to apply for administrative review, you should complete the online application form with the relevant information and also grounds for challenging the decision to prove the case working error made by the Home Office staff. You can also make the grounds on the basis or evidential flexibility under the refusal based on the point-based system as the case worker considering the case must have requested for further evidence in line with the evidential flexibility.

When submitting an administrative review, you cannot submit new evidence unless you are –

  • Challenging a refusal which accuses you of deception and you have contrary evidence to prove that you did not employ deception;
  • Your circumstances did not change when you were entering the UK, if your leave to enter has been cancelled at the border;
  • Evidence to prove that you applied for the relevant application in time limit stated by the Immigration rules; and
  • In cases where the caseworker had choice of requesting the documents but did not.

After completing the relevant form if you do not have sufficient space to state the grounds you can email these separately to the Home Office. If outside the UK you can email to   and if you applied for administrative review inside the UK you can email You must clearly point out the unique application number also known as UAN and indicate what you are providing. The same addresses are also used in order to withdraw the applications, so you must clearly indicate what your email is for.

Once you have submitted the application you will receive an acknowledgement from the Home Office.

Fees for the Administrative review

The current fee for an administrative review application is £80. The fees are paid online at the stage of submitting the application.

If the dependents applied for leave to enter or remain at the same time as the main applicant as a part of the same application, they do not have to pay a separate fee.

What happens if my administrative review is successfully accepted?

Once your application for administrative review has been successful, you will receive a letter from the Home Office indicating that the administrative review has been accepted and the case will be sent back to the decision-making team to reconsider.

The fee paid for the administrative review is generally refunded. As a part of reconsideration, the considering officer can request for further evidence or clarification. A new decision is then made and you generally are granted the visa in line with the original application and if refused you will again get a right to administrative review.

Once you succeed you will receive a decision letter via email confirming the condition of your leave and then issued a BRP card, please note that BRP cards will be replaced by E-Visas from 01 January 2025.

What happens if my administrative review is not accepted?

If your application for administrative review is refused then you can only challenge the refusal by seeking a judicial review.

If you made an application within the UK then your immigration status is considered to be continuous under section 3 C of the Immigration Act 1971. You can apply for leave to remain in another category if you meet the eligibility requirement or should leave the UK if you are ineligible. You will receive a letter upon refusal explaining you the reasons why your application has been turned down. In the event you make a new application whilst your administrative review is pending it is considered that you have withdrawn the administrative review once you made a new application.

There is no possibility for submitted a new administrative review, the only choice available is to challenge the decision through judicial review or submit a new application provided you meet the eligibility requirement.

How long does it take to get an administrative review decision?

Currently the decisions for administrative review takes up to 12 months if you have submitted an application from outside the UK and in cases where the application is submitted from inside the UK the processing timings are up to 6 months. If there is a delay the Home Office generally sends an email to the registered email address.

How Can Visa & Migration Help you!

Visa and Migration Ltd has wealth of experience and can assist you with drafting strong grounds to point out the case working errors.

You will always receive an honest advice on your case and find out whether there are merits to succeed with the administrative review application or not.

We fully investigate our client’s circumstances and find solutions to fit their need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much time I have to submit admin review if the application was refused inside the UK?

You must submit an administrative review within 14 days 

Q. What are the grounds I can include?

Your grounds must be made in order to challenge the decision on the basis that the decision maker made an error.

Q. What is the time limit for an admin review decision?

The time limit on the decision inside the UK is 6 months and upto 12 months from outside the UK

Q. Can I submit a fresh application while administrative review is pending?

In some cases yes, you can submit a fresh application. 

Q. What is the fee for administrative review?

The fee for administrative review is £80.00 

Q. Can I submit a second administrative review?

Yes, you can submit the second administrative review if your first application is rejected, however this must be an intime application that is within 28 days or 14 days or 7 days as applicable. 

Q. How to track administrative review? 

You can send an email to the relevant admin review email address and request an update

Q. What happends if administrative review is successful?

You will receive a letter confirming the administrative review is successful and your application will be reconsidered. 


Do you need to apply for a Administrative Review?

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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.