uk visa enquiry

British Passport Applications for Children from Overseas

If you are a British National and had your child born outside the UK after you had become a British Citizenship by descent. You can be a British citizen otherwise by descent if you were born in the UK before 1 Jan 1983, or Naturalized in the UK, or born in the UK to a parent holding Indefinite Leave to Remain or British Citizen. !--more-- If you Naturalized or became British by birth by being born in the UK you can pass your British citizenship to the children born outside the UK. Ho...

By - 5 years ago

Things You Must Know About Right of Abode

Right of abode in the UK is immigration status. One who has the right to abode status has been entitled the right to enter and live in the UK without any restrictions. All British Citizens automatically hold right to abode and since 1983 it is not possible to obtain this status for anyone without being a British Citizen. However, one should not compare the right of abode with indefinite leave to remain (ILR) which is also another way of residency in the UK without any restriction. All those h...

By - 5 years ago

Sole Representative Visas

Companies outside of the UK see a lot of opportunities to set their business in the UK. The UK also allows them to expand their business here. So, to expand and set up its business in the UK, the company can send one representative to the UK to set up a branch or subsidiary office. Other activities that company representative can also do include carry out research, register the company in the UK and negotiate with customer and suppliers. How can an individual enter the UK for all this? Well, an ...

By - 5 years ago

Tier 2 License Renewal Process

United Kingdom employers can employ non-EEA nationals in their companies under point-based systems such as Tier 2 category. To employ one, UK employers need to sponsor the worker and in order to do this; they need to obtain a sponsor license from the UKVI - Home Office. Tier 2 sponsorship license is granted for a period of 4 years initially. Employers must apply for the renewal of the license to continue to employ non-EEA nationals before the expiry of the licence. Companies must apply for renew...

By - 5 years ago

UK Visa Refusals Under 320 (7A) of the Immigration Rules

UK immigration rules have some grounds that outline mandatory refusal of UK entry clearance refusal or UK visa refusal of applicants. These general grounds for the mandatory refusal of visa are set out in UK immigration Rules under paragraph 320. !--more-- The Immigration Rules Paragraph 320 (7A) States - where false representations have been made or false documents or information have been submitted (whether or not material to the application, and whether or not to the applicant’s knowled...

By - 5 years ago

Should You Appeal or Re-Apply After a UK Visa Refusal?

Nobody wants a visa refusal. But for various reasons, a refusals outcome is handed to numerous applicants every year inside and outside the UK. The reasons can be that the applicant has not submitted all required documents, not submitting correct documents, submitting false documents, oversight of application form or documents by ECO etc. So, what are the options available to applicants when their visa application is refused? !--more-- Well, each applicant has three choices generally in su...

By - 5 years ago

Home Office Civil Penalty Notices

Employing illegal foreign worker in the UK is an offence. If an employer is found to be guilty of employing someone they knew or they had enough reasons to believe, had no right to work in the UK, the employer in such cases can face consequences. They can be sent to jail for 5 years and pay unlimited fine. So, what could be enough reasons to believe that a worker did not have the right to work in the UK? Well, if one of the followings was in knowledge of the employer, they should have acted upon...

By - 5 years ago

What Documents Are Needed for a UK Visitor or Tourist Visa?

Are you looking to visit the UK? Then a UK tourist visa is what you will need to legally enter and stay in the UK for a period of up to six months. To help you understand what documentation you’ll need for your application, we have created this helpful article to outline everything you’ll need to apply for a UK visitor visa. !--more--


This might seem an obvious one, but by showing your passport you are inevitably providing solid documentation to  the relevant authorities where you ...

By - 5 years ago

What is a Biometric Residence Permit?

A biometric residence permit (BRP) is a secure permit that has biographical information (name, date and place of birth) and biometric information (photo and fingerprints) of the holder. It’s designed to help combat those illegally living and working in the UK. The permit displays an individual’s immigration status and what they are entitled to within the UK. A BRP is a convenient proof of the holder’s right to be in the UK to stay, work or study.  !--more-- You’ll receive a BRP if you:


By - 5 years ago

Things You Need to Know About a UK Start Up Visa

There are thousands of capable entrepreneurs who want to start up their business in the UK as the country offers bundles of opportunities. The UK is an attractive country for startups with political stability, language advantage, generous tax structures for entrepreneurs, and a robust economy. The UK also recognizes the contribution of foreign talents who can contribute to a country’s growth immensely. Thus, the UK allows for startup visa for non-EEA nationals who wish to start up a business in ...

By - 5 years ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.