uk visa enquiry
UK Visa

Dependent Visa

Do you need to apply for a Dependent Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

What is UK dependent Visa & how to apply

Dependent Visas are generally for -

  •  Dependents Point Based System also known as PBS dependent - Husband, Wife of Children of skilled worker, Tier 2 worker, etcetera;
  •  Dependent Children under the age of 18 years (also over 18 in compassionate and compelling circumstances).
  •  Other Dependent relatives
  •  Adult dependent relatives
  • Dependent Parents and Grandparents over the age of 65 years (also below 65 Years those in most compassionate and compelling circumstances).

Under this category the applicant CAN APPLY FOR THIS CATEGORY FROM INSIDE THE UK AS WELL AS OUTSIDE THE UK, however, this dependents on the category of the visa the main applicant holds or it is according to your circumstances.

Who is a Dependent and Can apply for Dependent Visa 

Under UK Immigration a dependent is a person who is either spouse or child under the age of 18 years. There are also fianancial requirement or maintenance requirement for dependents. All the dependents can apply for Dependent Visa, however every category has different set of requirements. 

Point Based System (PBS) Dependent 

Those in the PBS category in the UK and their relationship with the dependants is genuine and subsisting (established through evidence) can make an application for their dependents i.e. spouse, children under 18 years of age to come to the United Kingdom.

Undoubtedly, the applicant has to fulfil the maintenance requirement, amount for which depends upon category under which the main applicant/sponsor is present in the UK. The applicant and sponsor are required to prove that they will be able to accommodate and maintain without recourse to public funds.

Dependent Children:

Acceptance of the application of Children below 18 years of age and if there is only one parent in the UK they will need to provide evidence of sole custody or sole responsibility.

Other dependent relatives:

Relationship and evidence thereof with the UK resident, they wish to stay with, under this category and that the sponsor can support them financially without recourse to any public funds is the main requirement in such cases. The applicants can subsequently make an application for settlement in the UK if the sponsor is present and settled in the UK or there are most exceptional compassionate circumstances existing.  Evidence for which will need to be provided by the applicant.

Why Choose Us?

  • You pay a Fixed Fee;
  • Our immigration adviser will take Detailed Instructions from you and advise you about the relevant immigration law and procedure to be adopted by the Immigration Authorities in your immigration case;
  • Our immigration adviser represent your circumstances clearly;
  • Our immigration adviser will discuss your immigration case in detail with you and advise you about the weaknesses and strengths of your immigration case;
  • Our immigration adviser will advise you about the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of your application;
  • Our immigration adviser will consider contents of the documentary evidence to be submitted in support of the application and discuss the same with you;
  • You Receive advise from our experienced caseworkers;
  • We provide our client’s with unlimited meetings and support;
  • We provide our client’s with unlimited phone calls;
  • We advise you on the procedure, requirements and merits of making an application to the UKBA/British Diplomatic post;
  • We keep our client’s updated with new rules and procedure and act in their best interest;
  • We draft representations in support of your immigration matter explaining your circumstances in detail and proving how you satisfy the requirements of Immigration Rules;
  • We advise and represent our clients’ dependants to seek dependant visas in line with the visa of the main applicant;
  • We lodge appeals and prepare administrative reviews;
  • We advise you on the future applications for Indefinite Leave to Remain and British Citizenship for those who will complete required number of years in the UK;
  • We answer your queries even after your application has been submitted and approved on what you are required to next.

Do you need to apply for a Dependent Visa?

Speak to our experts to find out about our fast, friendly and affordable service

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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.