If you are applying for a job in the UK, you will need to provide evidence to prove that you have the right to live and work in the UK. Having the right documentation is a crucial part of the application process, therefore, if you do not possess the right evidence then it is likely that your application will be refused by the employer. !--more-- When applying for a job, your prospective employer will ask for copies of your right to work documents which will then be dealt with in a secure a...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
The continuous lawful residence is the most important thing for an immigrant. Generally, the continuous lawfully residence is seen as a part for Indefinite Leave to Remain application on the basis of continuous 10 years residence in the UK. !--more--
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
Naturalisation is the process an individual takes to become a citizen of another country. In the UK, applying for naturalisation allows you to live and work in the UK free from immigration controls - it also entitles you to vote in elections. If you have British descent, it’s possible you could register for British Naturalisation but most will have to apply to be considered. !--more--
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
If one wants to apply to become a British Citizen then he/she is required to meet the good character requirement. Majority of the people who are above 10 years of age and who apply for British Citizenship need to meet this criterion of good character. Home Office in the UK assesses whether an individual applying for British Citizenship is to be considered of good character or not. In order to assess good character, various considerations are carried out by Home Office which includes criminal off...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
You may apply for a UK Visitor Visa for meeting your family, holiday trip, and medical treatment, short-term course, marrying or entering a civil partnership, participating in any sports, musical or other events and so on. When you apply for the visa, you must be careful in providing all the required documents in properly required formats. You must not leave any chance so that your visa application gets refused. This is because if your visa application is refused then all the time and money y...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
A non-British parent can exercise their right of access to their child/children who are resident in UK. There is this provision offered to such parent by UK immigration rules. A single non-British parent can apply for leave to enter or remain in UK on the basis of their family life with a British or settled child who is living in the UK. This application can only be made by all single parents. Those who are still in a relationship with the other parent cannot apply as parent but they can apply a...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
Generally, the concept of sole responsibility is only applicable where the parents may have separated or divorced. The responsibility of the child is such cases are with one of the parents who are in the UK. If the parent in the UK wants their child to join them in the UK then they will need to establish that they have the sole responsibility for the child. !--more-- If you are settled in the UK or on temporary leave and want your child to join you from overseas then you will need to prove...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
Overseas companies who intend to establish their operations in the UK are able to send a representative from your organisation who can set up a company branch in the UK. The representative will be solely responsible for the operations of the company in the UK. !--more--
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
Many migrants come to the UK and they have their dependents back home. They also want to join them in the UK. The UK Immigration rules do allow the dependents to accompany or join the main applicant in the UK. !--more-- Point-based system (PBS) dependent visa is for the family – Wife/ Children under 18 years of age to join or accompany the main applicant. Dependents may have different rights given to them as compared to the rights applicable to the main applicant. As a PBS dependent you ne...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago
When an organization in the UK receives Sponsor License it authorizes them to recruit foreign nationals outside of EEA area. They can employ skilled workers to work for their organization. However, along with rights, there are some duties or responsibilities upon sponsor license holders as well. If you are an organization in the UK applying for sponsor license, it is better you know the duties that you need to perform as sponsor license holder because if you fail to do so then you may face a dow...
By visaandmigration.com - 5 years ago