uk visa enquiry

Visa and Immigration Rules for Adopted Children in the UK

If you are settled in the UK and you adopted a child overseas, then you can bring your adopted child to the UK. In order to do so, you need to follow UK visa and immigration rules for adopted children. !--more--

Visa rules for adopted children

  • You must show that you currently live and are settled in the UK legally - and that there is no time limit on your stay.
  • You must also show that you can adequately support and house your child without needing any support from public funds.

By - 6 years ago

Driving Laws Around the World

Driving in a different country can be extremely stressful - especially when the driving laws differ to the ones you’re used to in your home country. Whether you’re visiting another country, you’ve just got a fiance visa or you’ve just received a settlement visa, you’ll find there are many different (and bizarre) driving laws you will need to adhere to. !--more-- In the UK and other countries, if you fail to adhere to immigration rules or break the law in some instances, you may see your visa rev


By - 6 years ago

Immigration Rules for Unmarried and Same Sex Partner Visa Applications

A person, who has cohabited for 2 years or more but is not married nor is in a civil partnership with a partner who is settled in the UK, can apply to join his or her partner in the UK. If you are looking to apply for either an unmarried partner or same sex partner visa then you can do so provided certain conditions are met. In July 2012, new immigration rules for unmarried and same-sex partners wishing to settle permanently in the UK came into effect. If you're applying for a UK unmarried pa...

By - 6 years ago

Permitted Activities in the UK on a Visitor Visa

You are given UK Visitor Visa for a short period of up to 6 months. You can enter the UK with such a visa for different purposes. Activities that you are allowed to do in the UK on a UK visitor visa depend on the type of visitor visa that you hold and the sub category of it. Your sub category depends on the main purpose of your visit to UK that you stated in your visa application or the application for leave to enter UK. !--more--

Permitted activities on a UK visitor visa

As noted, permitte...

By - 6 years ago

Appealing a Civil Penalty for Illegal Employment

UK employers can employee foreign national workers in their organisation provided they meet the relevant visa and immigration requirements. However, if an employer in UK is found guilty of employing someone who they knew - or had reasonable cause to believe - did not have the right to work in UK, then they will face a civil penalty, with the possibility of a 5 year prison sentence. However, a employer in this situation can exercise the option of appealing a civil penalty. !--more--  

What is


By - 6 years ago

Best Universities for International Students in the UK

From the royal family and rolling country lanes, to obsessive tea drinking and the ever amazing Harry Potter franchise, the UK is renowned worldwide for so many different quirks and perks. But it’s not just the cream teas and Shakespearean plays that have people flocking to live in the UK, it’s also the incredible academic programme Britain has to offer its residents. Across the width and breadth of the nation lie some of the best universities within the world of academia, where young people rec...

By - 6 years ago

The Genuine Entrepreneur Test for UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Applications

UK gives many great opportunities to entrepreneurs; it's a great place for doing business. This is why entrepreneurs from outside the UK wish to come to the UK for a new venture. Entrepreneurs have the ability to start and develop a business along, of course, with all the associated risks. Entrepreneurs from all nationalities can apply for a UK Tier 1 entrepreneur visa to enter the UK. In recent years, the number of applicants for UK Tier 1 entrepreneur visa has increased, so the UKVI felt th...

By - 6 years ago

How Can Immigration Lawyers Help You to Challenge a UK Visa Refusal?

Applying for a UK visa is not an easy task. It requires detailed knowledge so that your visa application is accepted successfully. Many applicants applying for UK visa make this mistake of applying on their own. They don’t take expert guidance and - as a result of this - they face their UK visa application being refused. !--more-- If your UK visa application is refused, then you can apply for an administrative review or appeal depending upon your eligibility. When you go through this proc...

By - 6 years ago

UK Visa For Medical Treatment in the UK

People from different countries often come to the UK for medical treatment. However, you need a visa if you wish to receive medical treatment in the UK. !--more-- In order to get this treatment in the UK, you can apply under the UK visitor visa category. A UK visitor visa allows you to come to the UK and stay for a maximum of 6 months – after which, you must leave the UK. However, there are certain eligibility requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to stay for up to six months. 



By - 6 years ago

Switching From a Student Visa to a Tier 1 UK Visa

Many people who are in the UK on a student visa wish to stay in the UK when their studies finish. A Tier 4 General Student Visa allows anyone who is 16 or above to study in the UK provided they meet other eligibility requirements. But what happens when you want to stay in the UK for a longer period and need to switch to a new type of visa? !--more--

How to switch from a Student Visa to a Tier 1 UK visa

One way to stay in the UK after your studies are over is to switch to a UK Tier 1 Visa. P...

By - 6 years ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.