UK immigration laws have provisions for refusing visas to the applicants. You should know them or consult experts to avoid making any mistake that may cause you serious troubles such as 10 years ban to enter the UK. Paragraph 320 7(A) sets out mandatory grounds for the refusal of visas. Paragraph 320 7(A) sets the grounds of refusal based on false representation, false documents, and/or non-disclosure of relevant facts. Applicants will be refused their application for entry clearance, leave to enter, or leave to remain in the UK. So, if the entry clearance officer finds that there has been a false representation were made or false information was submitted by you or a third party in relation to your application or in order to obtain documents from the Secretary of State or a third party that is needed to support the application or any relevant information has been hidden, he/she will mandatorily refuse the application. As a result of this applicants may have to face a 10-year re-entry ban to the UK. Reasons for UK visa 10 years re-entry ban under 320 7(A) You may face a UK visa 10 years re-entry ban if you are found guilty of using deception in the application. You should not deliberately use false representation and/or non-disclosure of material facts to save yourself from a serious ban of this kind. However, if you find that you have not made any such mistake, but you have been refused on this basis then you can appeal or re-apply. Possible reasons for a 10-year ban under 320 7(A) are the following: 1. False representation of material facts 2. Submission of wrong fraud and non-genuine documents 3. Hiding of material facts 4. Failure in cooperation