uk visa enquiry

Ten-year partner and the parent route

Those applying for an ILR who meet all the suitability requirements on five years partner or parent route but meet only some eligibility requirements can apply for ILR based on a ten-year partner or parent

The 10-year route as a partner or parent applies from within and outside the UK. Outside UK application will be considered mainly on exceptional circumstances.

The 10 years partner or parent route is mainly for people who are unable to meet the requirements of 5 years route and t


By - 1 year ago

Duties and compliance related to sponsorship license

A sponsorship license is mandatory for any UK company to employ a non-British or non-Settled worker. However, it comes with certain duties and compliance on the part of the sponsorship license holder or sponsor. If the Home Office finds that the sponsor has failed to comply with its duties, their UK sponsorship license can be revoked or suspended.
To meet the duties, knowledge of rules and resources is required to ensure your organization is compliant.

Sponsorship license duties

From the


By - 1 year ago

How to Register a child as a British citizen

Children below the age of 18 who do not automatically become British citizens based on birth can be registered as British citizens by way of entitlement or discretion under section 3 (1) of the British
Nationality Act 1981
. When discretion is applied, the Secretary of State for the Home Department decides based on the individual applicant's circumstances.

Who needs to register as a British citizen?

Children cannot naturalize as a British citizens. But they can consider for registration of


By - 1 year ago

Seven-year child route – Appendix Private Life

The Appendix Private Life route is based on individuals who have developed personal life in the UK. Seven-year child route is for a child who was born in the UK and has lived seven years continuously in the UK to qualify for an immediate settlement.

Changes to the 7-year-child route

Before new changes took place, a child born in the UK and has lived continuously for seven years in the UK could apply immediately for limited leave to remain. However, with new changes taking effect “appendix


By - 1 year ago

Naturalization as a British Citizen

Those who cannot claim British citizenship based on their birth can choose the way of naturalization as a British citizen. Unless you are married to or in a civil partnership with a British citizen, you need to meet
two essential criteria to apply for naturalization as a British citizen under Section 6 (1) British Nationality Act 1981., and they are:

1. You must have lived in the UK for five years and
2. You must have had one of the following for 12 months after your five-year residency per


By - 1 year ago

Point Based Dependent Visa UK

If you have a partner, spouse, or parent in the UK and you want to join him/her, you can apply for a UK Dependent Visa. Your partner, spouse, or parent need not be a British citizen, which is the case in a UK Spouse visa or Civil partner visa. So the main applicant partner/Spouse can be on any Point Based System Visa, such as Skilled Worker/Tier 2 Visa  

Who can apply for a dependent visa UK? 

To be able to apply for a dependent visa, you must be a dependent family member of an individual


By - 1 year ago

Financial requirement for UK Spouse visa

One of the essential requirements when applying for the UK Spouse Visa is the financial requirement. Whether you apply from outside the UK for leave to enter or from within the UK for leave to remain, you and your partner (sponsor) must meet the financial requirement. Appendix FM of the immigration rules contains minimum financial requirements for both types of applications (leave to enter or leave to remain). 

Financial requirements can be met in different ways, for example, through Income o


By - 1 year ago

How to meet UK Fiancé Visa requirements

A UK Fiance Visa allows a non-British individual engaged with a partner who is one of the following to join them and live with them in the UK. 

  • A British or Irish Citizen 

  • One with settled status, such as indefinite leave to remain in the UK 

  • Is from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein and has been granted pre-settled status 

  • One with a Turkish Businessperson visa or a Turkish worker visa 

  • One who has refugee status or humanitaria


By - 1 year ago

How to apply for the multiple entries UK Visitor Visa

UK Visitor visa, now termed as UK standard Visitor Visa, is for foreign nationals coming to the UK for tourism, study, business purposes, participating in an event or sports tournament and other permitted activities. You can be granted a maximum of six months' stay in the UK as a standard UK visitor. In certain circumstances, you can apply for a more extended stay of more than six months. After this period, you must leave the UK.  

UK Standard Visitor visa has replaced the following visitor v


By - 1 year ago

Extend Your Sole Representative Visa

If you are already in the UK on a sole representative visa and want to continue living in the UK, you can apply to extend the sole representative visa


You need to meet the following requirements to be eligible to apply for extending sole representative visa: 

  • You must be in the UK with a sole representative visa as a representative of an overseas business or an employee of an overseas newspaper, news agency, or broadcasting organization; 

  • You must be workin


By - 1 year ago

Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.