uk visa enquiry

Things you should know about Entrepreneur visa extension

An applicant can apply for an extension under the Entrepreneur category until 5th April 2023 if you are already in the UK on a UK entrepreneur visa. If you have lived for a sufficient enough period in the UK and meet other eligibility conditions then you can apply for UK settlement under this route until 5th April 2025. However, those looking to make a new application for Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa cannot do so as this visa category is closed for new applications from March 2019 and this visa has been replaced by the Innovator visa route.

Eligibility for entrepreneur visa extension:

The eligibility criteria you need to meet in order to apply for an entrepreneur visa extension:
  1. Investment of Funds - You must have invested either £50,000 in cash or £200,000 in cash into one or more UK businesses. The money that you need to have invested mentioned here depends upon the fund your initial application was based upon;
  2. Registration of the applicant as a director or self-employed - You need to register yourself as a director of a new or existing business or as self-employed within the 6 months from the date of arrival in the UK under the entrepreneur visa category.
  3. Proof of being self-employed, a partner or a director - You should be able to prove this 3 months before you make an application for the extension that you have been working as a director or have been self-employed or you have been a partner in a partnership.
  4. Creation of jobs - You must have created at least 2 full-time jobs that lasted for 12 months or more.
  5. Proof of ability to support yourself - You need to prove that you will be able to support yourself and dependents (if any) financially further if you get an extension without seeking public funds.

When to apply?

You must apply for a visa extension before your current visa validity expires, however, it is suggested by the Home Office that an application should be submitted within 28 days before the expiry. In any case, the last date to apply for an entrepreneur visa extension is by 5th April 2023.

How to apply for an entrepreneur visa extension?

You have to apply online irrespective of the fact that whether you apply when you are in the UK or outside the UK.

What is the information and documents to be submitted?

You need to submit your biometric information that includes your fingerprints and a photo at a UK visa and citizenship application service point. The appointment at such a service point can be fixed while applying online. As far as documents that you need to submit are concerned these are the documents that prove that you meet all the eligibility conditions. So, below is the list of documents that you need to submit:
  • Account statement of your business to prove that you have invested at least £50,000 or £200,000;
  • Your registration document as director or self-employed with HMRC;
  • In order to show that you have created at least 2 full-time jobs you can submit documents such as passport, wage slips, salary and tax statements, employment contract, and proof of settled status of the employees;
  • Your income statements such as bank statements to prove that you can support yourself financially during your stay after you get the visa extension.

How to submit the supporting documents?

You can submit the supporting documents online through the online application or you can get them scanned at your UK visa and citizenship application service point.

What is the fee?

You need to pay £1,277 and £19.20 in addition to having your biometrics information taken as part of your Tier 1 entrepreneur visa extension application.

What you can do and what you cannot do?

You can do activities related to your business or businesses where you are a director or you are self-employed in. You cannot do any other activity that is beyond the scope of your business. You cannot seek public funds to support yourself and dependents (if any) and you cannot be absent from the UK for more than 180 days in any 1 year.

How long does it take to get the decision?

You should be able to get a decision on your visa extension application within 8 weeks. However, depending upon various circumstances such as more supporting documents required it may take even longer than 8 weeks.

Can I stay in the UK until I get a decision on my application?

You are eligible to stay in the UK until you get a decision on your application provided you applied before your current visa expired.

Can my family members join me?

and your child above 18 if they are in the UK as a dependent. They need to meet the eligibility conditions to make a successful application.
How to get an expert's help?
You can see basic things you should know about the Entrepreneur visa extension. However, you must seek expert's guidance to make a successful application failing which you will have to leave the UK. You can contact the Visa & Migration team anytime to get the best services. You can also follow us on social media Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:  ...

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