uk visa enquiry
Latest News

2023 26 OCT

Proposed Increase of Immigration Health Surcharge

The Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendments) Order 2023 is being brought in by the Home Office to increase the fee for Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) or the NHS charge. 

It has been proposed that the fee will be increase for children/students/Youth Mobility Scheme from £477 to £776 per year and for an adult from £624 to £1035 per year. The increase will make the immigration applications even more expensive and it is more than likley that UK will be having the highest application fees including the IHS fee in comparison to any other country. 

The rise in fee is also likely to get a rise in Fee Waiver applications, which now takes a long time to be decided as there is an increase in number of applications already. 

It is unclear if this will be a wise decision for the Home Office or not. It is important more than ever that applications are prepared well. 

The change will now likely happen on 31 January 2024.





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