uk visa enquiry

Why Should You Hire an Immigration Consultant for Your UK Visa Application?

Are you looking to come to UK? If so, then you should hire an immigration consultant for your UK visa application. Find out why in this guide. Often, the process is not as straightforward as you think. Application forms can be complex and lengthy. If you think that you can fill it on your own and you don’t need any expert advice, think again; visa applications are often rejected for simple mistakes and you'll need to pay again in order to reapply for the same visa. Appeal and administrative review processes also cost money and take time.

Reasons for Hiring an Immigration Consultant

Aside from those mentioned above, there are a number of other reasons for hiring a visa and immigration expert:

1. It saves you time and money

Despite visa consultants charging you a fee, hiring an expert can actually save you money (as well as time). If you applied for a visa wrongly or in the wrong visa category then it delays your application for months. Even minor mistakes can cause your visa to be resued and - in that case - you need to pay the fee again re-start the process of application. Choosing a quality immigration consultant with experience, integrity and knowledge helps you to make your application a success.

2. An immigration consultant represents you to the government

As an individual, you may not be comfortable talking to government officials. Even if you know that you are right, you may be clueless about handling the situation. An immigration consultant represents your side and will stand their ground for you. A consultant keeps your right sprotected and defends you whenever an official has interpreted the law wrongly.

3. You get a guarantee of submitting a complete and well-presented application

Many UK visa applications contain small mistakes and - at times - incomplete information. This can result in refusal of your visa application. An immigration consultant gives you a guarantee that your application is complete and well presented to the authorities.

4. You get personal attention

An immigration consultant is always available and provides you personal attention. You may not be aware of the traps within the application process. In cases where your personal situation changes - e.g. you get married or divorced, you have a child, you change your job or occupation - an immigration consultant can evaluate your situation and tell you how these changes may impact your application.

5. Immigration consultants understand the complexity of immigration and appeals

Immigration is a complex process, as too is appealing a visa decision in case of refusal. Both processes cost money, time and consume energy from you. Due to this, it is better if you go to an immigration consultant who is an expert in all the relevant processes and immigration laws. They will review your case appropriately and then determine your eligibility for a visa program, as well as helping you to make a successful appeal on the right legal grounds.

6. Your privacy is safe guarded

When you talk to your immigration consultant on a one-on-one basis, you will share your personal information with them and they will keep this information safe and secure. A consultant provides you with a safe environment in which your privacy is protected. Your consultant will maintain your confidentiality. These are just some reasons why you should hire an immigration consultant for UK visa and immigration. If-and-when you decide to hire an expert, get in touch with us for more information....

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Visa and Migration is a private OISC regulated company (F201500999) and is not an official Government body. If you would like to prepare and submit your UK immigration application yourself you can do so by visiting the UKVI website.